De Molenheide
de Heikampen 7
5482 ZR Schijndel
The Netherlands
UPDATE 11/02/2014: The grading will start at 09:30 with all the stallions on the street, except for the already graded ones that will attend for an upgrade. We will continue our program respectively with the young dressage stallions in the cage, the young jumping stallions in the cage, dressage stallions under the saddle and the jumping stallions under the saddle.
De keuring zal beginnen om 09:30 met alle hengsten aan de hand op de straat, met uitzondering van de reeds gekeurde hengsten die voor een opwaardering komen. We vervolgen ons programma respectievelijk met de jonge dressuurhengsten in de kooi, de jonge springhengsten in de kooi, dressuurhengsten onder het zadel en de springhengsten onder het zadel.
In order to sign up stallions for this event you have to register yourself with us first. Once you are registered with us you can login and use our online form to sign up stallions. If you need any help with this process, please do no not hesitate to contact us.
Alternatively you can download this manual form and send it back to us by mail or post once it has been completed. Please don't forget to fill in your Email address and attach a copy of your stallions pedigree.